Fresh Season , Fresh Start

Fresh Season , Fresh Start

 Off late, time has been elusive to say the least and this blog of our's has been relegated to the realm of obscurity.  All those thoughts, experiences and interesting things I intended to share with you a few years ago now remain faint memories. However as the cogs of time turn they have for sure been replaced by far more intriguing and...

Samba with the SoC - GSoC 2011

Samba with the SoC - GSoC 2011

That is a cheeky title (with the Pun Intended) In fact it's the first status message I put up, when I got the news that my proposal had been selected for the Google Summer of Code 2011. Yes, It is my first experience with the world of Professional Software Development , and yes,its a small but sure step...

Auto Background Changer For Gnome 3 - GUI OUT !

Auto Background Changer For Gnome 3 - GUI OUT !

As i said as a test and learning experience on Gtk in my ongoing GSoC project i have created an app to automatically change the gnome 3 wallpaper . Say hello to "wp-show" Simply run The GUI App RUNME and you will be presented witha fully featured Gui to configure your slideshow. Features : Lets you choose the...

Auto Background Changer For Gnome 3

Auto Background Changer For Gnome 3

Gnome 3 is all nice and sexy but hay most of my old apps don't work anymore.  One major app i miss is a wallpaper switcher . The major reason for this being the move in gnome from gconf to dconf. The way wallpapers et'al are handled has changed. To mitigate this i have made a simple bash...

Hello World

Hello World

Yes first up ,You may wonder why "Hello World" ? "Does this guy lack creativity ???" "Not again !!!" "Bah, just another one of those other million blogs in cyberspace that soon fade into oblivion""  Why the hell is it Hello World ??? OK here goes, as a self professed computer geek it is just the way I...